Below are links to the official mogami online shop. I sell papercrafts available only in these shops as digital products in template PDF files.

Purchasing at STORES

You can purchase as a guest without registering as a member. When making a purchase, you will first be asked to enter your billing address and other information. The following information is required: "Name, phone number, e-mail address, comments (optional), membership registration (optional), and e-mail subscription (optional)".
When writing your billing address, you can proceed without entering your real name and phone number if you wish to omit as much personal information as possible. For example, you can use a nickname for your name and an appropriate one-byte number of 10 digits or more for your phone number. However, please enter a usable e-mail address. Without it, I will not be able to contact you by e-mail to inform you of your purchase or any problems that may arise.
Reference links: Flow of purchaser's order

Payment methods in STORES

  • Credit card : VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Diners, JCB
  • Convenience store payment: FamilyMart, LAWSON, MINISTOP, Seicomart, Daily Yamazaki
  • PayPal
  • Rakuten Pay
  • PayPay Balance

The EC platform I use

An EC platform is the base software or system for building an EC site (online store). There are several types, among which I use STORES, which is widely used in Japan.